Tuesday, December 16, 2008

does BRRRRR cover it?

Mike and I talked casually about how unseasonably warm and clear it was for the beginning of December, it was 25-30 degrees in the day and though we had a couple of light snowfall, it never stayed around. That all changed.
First there was a dramatic drop in temperature. Over a few days, it was getting to the single digits at night and freezing solid, but no precipitation. Then the snow came. And came. And came some more.
We had so much snow that we actually started worrying about getting out of the driveway again. Chains went on, the shovel made and appearance and the windows in the house were covered in weather-proofing plastic. The front door is iffy about latching and the cold pours from it like molasses in the winter, so we had decided in summer that when the cold hits, we're locking it, sealing it off and then hanging a blanket over it to stem the flow of chill. Looks dumb, but works.
The dogs are getting used to being inside again, as well. All spring and summer they only come in if the weather is too much... but winter here is one entire season of "too much". It's not an easy transition from being out all the time to only being out three times a day, but we're learning to live in a small space together again. lol. D'Oji loves to sleep against that cold front door, so he pays his way by helping with the heating costs. Foxy helps out the boys. We took away the bed frame since they 1- kept rolling off in the night and 2-were jumping on it and getting hurt. The arrangement has worked out well til the cold weather. Now the nights are freezing and the old girl curls up with the boys and becomes a living hot water bottle.
Yesterday I was watching our digital thermometer and while the temp in our house has stayed a cozy 71, outside it reached a high of 8, a low of -4. It dropped from 8 to 2 in two hours and all the moisture on our windows from washing clothes, washing dishes and washing ourselves - it froze. Solid. We had a whole inch thick seal of ice around the windows. I'm pleased to say that today it reached a balmy high of 11 degrees and the frost is gone.
Mike may have loved the snow piling up on the porch last year because it seemed like a giant igloo or snow tunnel and the inner child digs a good snow fort... but this year he started shoveling the porch to prevent it if possible.
hmm. Good effort, but I don't think it'll work. The wind blows that snow around like flour in a fan and it takes only a moment to erase all traces of his clean porch.
Tonight we're supposed to go shopping. You know, food and such. Kind of need that. I'm not looking forward to it. I am not normally the most hardy of drivers even in good weather. In this sort of condition, I am at best labeled "stoic" at worst.... well, nevermind.

1 comment:

Joleen said...

oh my GOSH. stay warm!!