Monday, July 13, 2009

Cravings, we meet again!

I have been doing so well on making better choices for my food and being more active. I even scouted a new route for walking. Sometimes, however, there are times when the cravings just make one think "Screw health and weight loss, I need (your poison here)NOW!"
I don't let those take over more than once every couple of months anymore and I am still moderate (most of the time. What, I'm just being honest. I still get oinky every blue moon)
Tonight the cravings were screaming for eclairs. What was a girl to do but make them? I made the cream puff dough and while it was baking I mixed up one of the pudding singles packs, then mixed that with a little whipped topping to lighten it up. I cooled and cut the pastry and tried not to salivate near them, then spooned in 2 Tbs of the pudding mix and topped it with a drizzled of melted chocolate.
Oh, joy, thy name is eclair!

I did make a full batch which is 12 pastries, but the rest are going unstuffed into the freezers for a later date. See, still some semblance of self control. :)

A couple of days ago, I woke to run to the little girl's room at 4:30 am and the sight out my bathroom window was lovely. Fog rises nearly every day at 4-4:30 and I sit and watch it complete with the sunrise for beauty. It takes my breath away.
So of course, I threw on a robe, found my camera and took pictures from all around the house. I mean, who wouldn't? It got too cold for me during the last pic or there would be millions more. Enjoy!










1 comment:

Amber said...

Mel, your pictures are so breath taking. It makes me a little homesick for something more beautiful than palm trees.